



This application comes with important and indispensable features at the time of a service or control of fixed assets. With modules and functionalities that allow the maintenance sector of a particular company to control all the activities of its maintainers, as well as the customer will have access to a friendly environment to make their requests, evaluations and validations of the interventions performed.App contains the following features:- Real-time communication with the desktop platform- Geolocation of the entire service team- Open service orders- Start/Stop button to start and end the service- Open service requests- Work offline and online- Insert photos of equipment, guarantees and machinery parameter- Open requests and Service Order using QRcod- Service rating module (5 stars)- Customer digital signature- Digital signature of the maintainers- Timekeeping- Insert images in the request and service order- Annotation of parts and materials used in the OS- Access permission control- Dashboards- Report